These are the books I intend to read and discuss here on the blog. This is a preliminary reading list. I expect it will change as I learn more about who the radical feminists were and which were their most important works. Not every author here is a radical feminist—some are liberal feminists. But I hope each will provide one of the pieces that will help me understand the history of feminist thought.

Simone du Beauvoir The Second Sex 1949 Betty Friedan The Feminine Mystique 1963 Kate Millet Sexual Politics 1969Shulamith Firestone The Dialectic of Sex 1970 Germain Greer The Female Eunuch 1970 Robin Morgan Sisterhood is Powerful 1970 Mary Daly Beyond God the Father 1973 Anne Koedt Radical Feminism 1973 Andrea Dworkin Woman Hating 1974 Ti-Grace Atkinson Amazon Odyssey 1974 Susan Brownmiller Against our Will 1975 Adrienne Rich Of Woman Born 1976
 Mary Daly Gyn/ecology 1978 Bell Hooks Ain’t I a Woman 1981 Angela Davis Women, Race and Class 1981 Andrea Dworkin Pornography 1981 Marilyn Frye Politics of Reality 1983 Andrea Dworkin Right Wing Women 1983 Audrey Lorde Sister Outsider 1984 Susan Brownmiller Femininity 1985 Gerda Lerner The Creation of Patriarchy 1986
 Andrea Dworkin Intercourse 1987 Catharine McKinnon Toward a Feminist Theory of the State 1989 Susan Moller Okin Justice, Gender and the Family 1989 Alice Echols Daring to be Bad 1989 Carol Anne Douglas Love and Politics 1990 Leidholdt & Raymond The Sexual Liberals & the Attack on Feminism 1990 Sheila Jeffreys The Spinster and Her Enemies 1997